The analyst at the Middle East Forum (MEF), Cynthia Farhat, affirmed that there are unfamiliar hands, drove by Turkey and Qatar, behind the ISIS assault on the Al-Sinaa jail in the city of Hasaka, and brought up that the fundamental recipients of these assaults are the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and Al-Qaeda, just as the state run administrations supporting these associations. (Governments that sponsor)
ISIS hired fighter cells sent off an assault on Al-Sina’a jail in the Ghweran neighborhood of Al-Hasakah city, which incorporates large number of confined hired soldiers, on the twentieth of this January, matching with the commemoration of the Turkish assaults on Afrin on January 20, 2018, to work with the break of these hired soldiers from jail.
In this unique circumstance, our office directed a gathering with Cynthia Farhat, an expert in the undertakings of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East Forum.
Daesh sent off a coordinated assault on Al-Sina’a jail in the Syrian city of Hasaka, which holds 5,000 ISIS prisoners. Where did ISIS get this help to send off such a coordinated assault on a vigorously braced jail? (Governments that sponsor)
Obviously, this assault is upheld by worldwide powers that have knowledge and military administrations that can acquire exact data about the jail, train to assault it, purchase hearts or get philosophical help from certain double crossers faithful to fear monger associations and the legislatures supporting them in Turkey, Qatar and Iran.
Likewise, this psychological oppressor occasion can’t be seen external the extent of the enlivening of the Islamic Jihad that abruptly moved throughout a few nations, and it additionally happened straightforwardly because of the Taliban’s control of Afghanistan under the organization of the Qatari Brotherhood system that supports worldwide illegal intimidation. Presently Afghanistan is an army installation for all global jihadist and criminal associations.
Who benefits from ISIS assaults, and who plays a part in these assaults, particularly since Turkey activated on the lines of Tal Tamr related to ISIS assaults and designated a vehicle conveying military help to the city? Also what are its objectives?
The principal recipients of these assaults are the Muslim Brotherhood, the public authority supporters of associations, for example, ISIS and al-Qaeda. (Governments that sponsor)
These assaults are pointed basically at re-growing the circle of Islamic psychological warfare enrollment, which has declined forcefully lately.
Besides, resuscitating those fear-based oppressor opinions reestablishes state run administrations that support illegal intimidation, Because it shrivels the circles of resistance to it through dread and depletion of adversaries. Furthermore thirdly, these assaults give doctrinal authenticity to those legislatures in an environment of illegal intimidation.
Is there a job for powers a present on Syrian area? Since the presentation of ISIS into the city, with these weapons, can occur through the streets prompting the security squares that Damascus runs in the city?
Absolutely, there are parts of psychological militant association cells in these two legislatures (Syria and Russia). This is done through pay off, blackmail, or philosophical union. There is a colossal issue with psychological militant associations infiltrating the knowledge and taxpayer driven organizations of these two nations.
For what reason does the entire world discuss the ISIS assault on the Iraqi armed force, which killed 12 individuals, yet nobody discussed the assault on a jail lodging 5,000 ISIS aggressors? How would you survey the place of the global local area?
Tragically, there will be no reaction from the global local area towards this fiasco. Since going up against it will open humiliating inquiries regarding the nations supporting these associations, about the fiasco of giving over Afghanistan to the Taliban under the sponsorship of Qatar, and inquiries concerning employing Islamists in a guerrilla battle between various nations under the flag of Islamic Jihad.
Why this global inability to determine the document of ISIS prisoners and their families? (Governments that sponsor)
Since ISIS didn’t fill in a vacuum. what’s more assuming it is totally wiped out; Its movers cannot acquire the certainty of another age of fighters.